Nationality: Swiss / British (dual nationality)
Date of Birth: 21 April 1972
Languages: Bilingual English & French

June 2000 to February 2001
Packaging, graphic design & interface design
for various blue chip brands
Fitch & Fitch Digital
London, UK

April 2000 to June 2000
Interface design for a multimedia touch-screen platform
Pelican studios
Colchester, UK

November 1999 to April 2000

Brand ID for Royal-Doulton
London, UK

May 1999 to October 1999

Planning, design and development of the 'Youdraw' project
London, UK

May 1998 to December 1998
Senior Designer
Design Bridge Nederlands
Amsterdam, Holland

October 1997 to December 1997

Freelance Web CD-ROM Designer
Bristow Prentice & McCann-Erickson
Melbourne, Australia

June 1997 to September 1997
Art Director and Designer
'Syte' the weekend Multi-Media broad sheet,
'The Australian' newspaper, News Limited
Sydney, Australia

September 1996 to December 1996

Junior Art Director
D.C Singapore (Design Consultants)

June 1995 to June 1996
Graphic Designer
Geneva, Switzerland

January 1999 to April 1999
London International Film School
First term film making
London, UK

August 1991 to June 1995
Apprenticeship in Graphic Design with Publipartner & School of Decorative Art,
Geneva, Switzerland

August 1989 to June 1990
School of Applied Arts, Vevey, Switzerland

Mobius award 1999
First Place - for Bols Blue liqueur
packaging design
Chicago, USA

Software knowledge
Graphics: Illustrator, Photoshop, X-press,
Multimedia: Flash, GoLive, Image Ready, FinalCut